Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 13 Update & Suresmile Scan!

I know it's been a while since I've posted an update.  Sorry!  I'm back on track.  So here's the 13th week.  I'm just now getting around to posting.

Post written on 1/18/11...

I have been so excited about Suresmile and couldn't wait to get the scan.  So, today I went in for the scan.  Here's how it went down.

An hour before the appointment I had to take these pills that would dry my mouth out.  It doesn't dry it out like you think, it just gets your mouth to produce less saliva. 

Once I got there, the assistant removed the band and wires and had me take x-rays in this cool machine that went around my head.  After that she painted this white stuff on my teeth so that the scan could capture the images of the entire jaw. 

The scan took the longest, but it was really neat to see a 3D scan of my teeth slowly start to fill up the screen!  It was so cool.  I heart modern technology.  I wish I had some pics of the scan.  :( After the scan I had brush my teeth because that white paint was thick and gritty.  It was nice to have the wires off for some time but when it was done, they put the wire back on with a new band. 

I think my ortho is working with the scan to figure out where he wants my teeth.  Once the image is sent to the lab, a robot (fingers crossed for Wall-E) will bend the wire.  I'm not sure when I'll get my Suresmile wire.  My next appointment is in February so we'll see what happens.

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