Any other time I'm not too far from home, so I just wait to brush when I get home or if I'm with my family, I'll use their restroom. Lately I've been working temp at an office and have had to use the public restroom. Let's get one thing straight, I don't like it. There's nothing like the constant sound of flushing and gastric symphonies to thwart one's desire to brush. It's completely the antithesis of what I'm trying to accomplish - a clean mouth.
Even though those reasons alone are bad enough, the most ridiculous thing is the look people give me when they see me brushing. It's like I'm an alien. Let's touch index fingers and I'll say "ouch" a la E.T. I don't know if they are looking at me because they think it's gross or weird or what. Sometimes I feel like saying, "I guarantee you that what I'm doing here is nothing compared to what you were doing in there (points to restroom)". Anyway, I just wanted to rant a little and now I feel better. I don't care. Let them stare!
Here is my latest updated pic:

Me likey. Me likey. Every week I compare the most recent picture with day 1 and it blows my mind every time. :)
It's essential to your success, so don't feel as if you're imposing on someone else's sense of bathroom entitlement! I'm sure I will find this weird also once I get braces this month, but better to brush more often than not.