Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week 21 - My first week with SureSmile

It's only been a week, but let me break it down.  Eating was extremely painful for most of the week.  More so than the first day I got braces.  All wires before weren't bent, they were straight.  I'm certain that the SureSmile wires are moving my teeth more than ever before.  That's a good thing!  That means it's working.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

SureSmile Wire!!!!

Everything has finally come down to this:  SureSmile.  When I finally chose my orhtodonist, all I could think about was getting the SureSmile wire.  I have been waiting for this.  It's finally here and I am so excited.

Week 17 - 19 Update

I'm almost finished posting all the pictures.  Finally! 

Looking at these pics I can't really see a difference.  During this time I didn't have any discomfort or pain. The last time I felt like that soon after I got a new wire and everything changed.  Speaking of which...I will get my SureSmile next week!  Can't wait :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Week 16 Update & 1st Day Pic

One word:  Awesome.

Week 14 & 15 Update

I haven't blogged for a while now.  I've been in this funk lately.  Sorry I haven't posted any updates but I have continued to take weekly pictures.  Here are some pics from week 14 and 15.  Interestingly I've noticed I am eating just about anything and there isn't any pain.  Yes!