I went in and on the screen was the 3D image of my teeth. It's the end results of how my teeth will look after the SureSmile wire is removed It was really cool to see the final image right there on the screen! It's accurate within 0.1 milimeter. I know us brace wearers know they'll be straight when treatment is over, but it's so comforting and exciting to see the image. I think I actually squealed "that's me!" when I saw it. On the bottom of the screen it shows the amount each tooth will move individually to become straight. In the words of Kip from Napolean Dynamite, "I love technology".
The assistant removed my wires and power chain so I could floss and brush with nothing on them. That's always my favorite part. That few minutes of freedom are so precious to me and it gives me a glimpse of what my teeth look like. I absolutely hated trying to keep the power chain clean.
Now comes the wire! A robot (Wall-E as I like to believe) bends the wires and they come back like this. This is the lower wire. I was too excited and forgot to take a pic of the top one.
And here it is on! No more power chain for now. I was told this is the FINAL wire. Unless, of course, my teeth don't move as planned. Judgeing by the progress so far, I don't think that'll be a problem.
After the wires were on I immediately felt that familliar, tight discomfort. I have the adjustment period to look forward to. There are two new little wires around the bottom brackets. They had to put those on to keep the door shut.
I am really happy about this. The SureSmile wire is on. Let the fine tuning begin!
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