Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week 21 - My first week with SureSmile

It's only been a week, but let me break it down.  Eating was extremely painful for most of the week.  More so than the first day I got braces.  All wires before weren't bent, they were straight.  I'm certain that the SureSmile wires are moving my teeth more than ever before.  That's a good thing!  That means it's working.

One thing I failed to mention in my last post is that up until the SureSmile wire, there weren't any wires connected to my last brackets on the top and bottom.  The SureSmile wire is now running through all brackets and my poor back teeth are so sore.  Every tooth is sore.  The first night I couldn't even sleep.  With all this movement, my bite is now off, there are more gaps between teeth, and there is a massive canker sore on my cheek.  Seriously.  It has it's own zip code!

At first I thought it was just a wire but then I looked back there and it was like something out one of the Aliens movies.  Ripley, I summons you to battle this intercheeklactic thing.  I'm going to be really gross for a few more seconds.  One of my brackets is now pushing into my cheek meat which is the source of the sore.  I wear my rubber bands only at night but because my teeth have moved, now the bands are rubbing that canker sore too.  So it's a sore canker sore!  Zilactin B helped but I needed something stronger.  Enter Canker Sore Cover .  This stuff is FANTASTIC!  It looks like a pill and you place it on the sore.  It melts into a protective cover and spares you pain and discomfort.  You can eat and drink with it on for 8 - 12 hours before it eventually dissolves.  Thumbs up!

Anyway, below a new pic.  I've noticed lots of gaps and spacing.  It's gotta get worse before it gets better, I guess. 

1 comment:

  1. have you also tried Kanka solution? It doesnt taste very good but It has saved me from canker sore pain many many times when all else has failed. I used to use that stuff after every warm salt water rinse and the sores went away so much faster. i hope that sore dries up soon I can definitely relate to that it is very painful. Your teeth are looking Great good luck with the new wire !
