Thursday, December 15, 2011

Braces Are Off! After 1 year and 2 months Wanna see???

I know I stopped blogging about halfway - what can I say?  I got busy with so many other things in my life.  So much negative things happened this year that I just didn't have the time.  Besides personal pains there was my poor husband.  Long story short he overworked himself, needed surgery, and then when he returned they didn't want him.  After months of job hunting he found something great.  Whew!  That was a major sources of anxiety.
Anyway, that's life sometimes...

Hopefully what you guys have seen and read has been enough encouragement and inspiration to get braces if you're contemplating them.

They are a huge investment (time and money), painful, uncomfortable, and annoying.  Above all else...THEY ARE WORTH IT.  Through it all don't give up!  I am beyond pleased with my SureSmile results and no matter what you decided - you will be happy too. 

Everyone is different and when it comes to biology - anything can happen.  So be prepared to spend a little more time or less time in your braces than originally planned.  Besides my wayward, unruly tongue there were the rubber bands.  As I got down to the wire (pun INTENDED) I felt like it would never end.  Around the 8th month it felt like nothing was changing, but it was.  Just when you think it's perfect, your ortho will inform you that your bite is still off or certain teeth still need to come down.  It's such a tiny amount you don't think anything of it, but then in the end you realize how much it was needed!

If you decide to get braces, please, please, please take my advice:

1) Trust your doctor and don't be afraid to ask questions. 
2)  Listen and follow your doctor's orders. (what to eat, what not to eat, keep all appointments, oral care etc.) 
3) Be patient.(The end is soooo worth it!)

So, I just wanted to share with you all the final results.  It took a couple of hours to remove everything and polish them.  Dr. J said that my teeth will get whitter with time.  I really, really love my smile now.  It's beautiful! 

But before I make the big unveiling, remember this????

Day 1 - October 19th, 2010
Now check it out!  From Hill People to Hollywood Smile!
Last Day - December 14th, 2011!
I'll post some more pic tomorrow.  Too much excitement for one day :)

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