Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 27 Update - A Giant Step Back!

It's been weeks since I blogged.  I guess I was just at a point where I was "over it".  Not that I hate the braces.  I was just feeling tired of them.  It's like, can I please eat or talk without spitting or drooling?!  It doesn't happen all the time, but it gets annoying.  Then there's the constant brushing.

Today I went for my checkup since I received my SureSmile wire.  I was ready for the same positive reinforcements he always gives me, but I was wrong.  I was first tipped off that something wasn't right when he was spending longer than usual looking inside my mouth and checking the alignment against his straight mirror.  Then he dropped the term macroglossia and gently broke the news.  I have a big tongue and it's been pushing my front teeth.  The pressure my tongue is putting on my teeth has caused the top front to protrude and create a small space between the top and bottom teeth.  There are also some new spaces between some teeth.  Basically my tongue is what a lazy, unemployed person is to a couch.  It just rests at my teeth instead of resting against the roof of my mouth. 

I was so horrified.  I had first noticed the space a few weeks ago but didn't think anything of it.  My previous worries were always put to rest so I naturally thought this was part of the process.  I also noticed some new spaces in between some teeth but also thought that was supposed to happen.  Of course the one time my fears are valid, I think nothing of it. 

He recommended some tongue exercises to strengthen the muscle and put new power chains on bottom and top.  This was the most upsetting.  I was so happy when I didn't have a power chain on the bottom.  It was easier to keep my teeth clean.  Now I have to deal with it at the top too :(  During my last visit he had me only wearing side bands at night.  Now I have to go back to wearing them all day.  To make things even worse, I now have new bands to wear on the front teeth.  Thankfully this is only at night. 

Anyway, I'm very down about this. I feel like I've both halted my progress and made things worse.  All because of my stupid tongue!  Seriously I am ready to take tongue lashing to a new level.  Since he's pointed out my tongue, I notice it all the time.  After leaving the office, I've been trying to consciously keep it away from my teeth.  For the record my tongue isn't that big.  I never thought it was.

I've got a long day tomorrow so I'm not posting pictures tonight.  I will post pictures tomorrow.  The new power chains are also giving me pain.  Goodnight to you all and your normal-sized tongues! :)


  1. smile because your teethes are for sure nice, u have such a huge progress, and don„t be upset, every day that passes, it„s getting u closer to the perfect smile

  2. Hi Alisha,
    I was just browsing around to compare progress on people with braces. I was also upset about a few things on my progress. But we just can't give up, since we already spend so much money, time, effort and don't forget going through days of pains. intabulare was right, everyday is getting us closer. It's an investment for a lifetime of perfect smile.
